Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Pregnancy Update

I went in for my 36 week check up yesterday afternoon. I don't think that there is anything real eventful to report but my current status is: good blood pressure, dilated 1 cm, baby's head is low and I'm measuring 33 cm.

Apparently measuring 33 when I'm 36 weeks made the doc a little curious so he wants to do a sonogram next week and measure how big she's getting. So, I'll get one last peek at her before she's born. ;)


Leanne said...

Call me weird, but I love it when the doc orders extra ultrasounds, cause I get more peeks!

You're not nervous, are you? I don't know you to get nervous easily....

Hang in there!

Carrie said...

hmmm... have two at once and then you get an ultrasound at every visit every two weeks

Dustine said...

Sending prayers to you for your family. :)
Can't wait to see some pictures of this sweet gir.

Kimmie said...

Did you have your peak yet?

How exciting...and I can't believe you decided to drive to the amusement are such a good mama L.

mama to 7
one homemade and 6 adopted