Thursday, May 13, 2010

Guess What??

Yep. I'm pregnant. :O)

(sorry for the old news if you already know this *cough*Emily*cough*)


Trudy said...

Congratulations !!!!!!!!!!! Praying for a safe pregnancy.

Anonymous said...

Yay for new brother or sister! (I'm hoping boy.... even if that is a shock for a girl!) :)

~Amanda Sims

Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! That is so exciting so #9. Keep us updated on how you are doing. We will be praying for a safe and healthy pregnancy.


Dustine said...

You're so blessed :)

MarshaMarshaMarsha said...

Eeeeeee! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!! You are abundantly blessed!

Monica said...

Congrats!! So many people I know are being blessed right now. LOVE it!

Kimmie said...

Yeah! Oh how I love babies. I am so happy for you Laura. Did I mention that I love babies?

REJOICING with you!

mama to 8
one homemade and 7 adopted

ericksonzone said...

Congratulations Laura! I hope you have a good pregnancy.

Renata said...

Congratulations!! What a blessing! Praying for a safe & happy pregnancy!

Sarah said...

So stinkin' excited for you guys. You make beautiful babies.

Moms4Psalms said...


I am so happy for you!

