Friday, October 16, 2009

Yesterday morning I attended a moms group (similar to MOPS). During the course of the morning we came to the prayer group segment. The larger group divided up into a few smaller groups and we went around the circle talking about our prayer requests. As each of the ladies took their turn it struck me how similar we all are as moms.

We all wanted prayer for training our children.

We all feel inadequate.

We all feel like we need more patience, more consistency, more effective discipline.

One woman would speak and there would be a round of "ditto", "me too", and "yeah, write that for mine".

It's moments like this that make me lean on the Lord the most. Moments when I feel so weak. When I feel like weeping.

I know that I don't have the strength, but HE does!

So I pray.

Are you with me? Would you like prayer too?

I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.

-Philippians 4:13


Renata said...

So very true - we are not the first person to feel the way we do & we won't be the last. Definitely parenting is without a doubt one of the biggest challenges of our lives.
Your mum's group sounds great!

Anonymous said...

I am in for some prayer and praying :) It is a good thing when we see we can't so He can. It's good that Mom's share so we can all support each other. The prayer I often pray is, "Lord teach me to teach them" and "I can't You can, so go ahead".

MarshaMarshaMarsha said...

I can never have too much prayer!

We had a missionary that preached at our church tonight. He had asked the people at his church in Papua New Guinea to pray that his Visa would get approved or he wouldn't be able to return to the country. The next time they met, he told them they better pray and how important it was.

One of the old ladies in the group raised her hand and asked him why he was so worried.

So he told her again about not being able to return to New Guinea, etc.

She stopped him and said No. What I mean is why are you so worried? You asked, we prayed, and God will answer.

I need to have that kind of faith when I pray!