Wednesday, April 7, 2010

There are many, many times that I wonder if we get through to our kids. We try to tell them things and instil certain values in them only to pray that it sinks in.

This Easter I think we got a nice glimpse. Amanda gave us a card that said,

"Everyone wonders how eggs and chocolate came to be a 'custom' here. But everyone doesn't realize the true meaning of Easter is Jesus. But you've taught me that Mom and Dad, and I love you and Jesus too! Love, Amanda"

Made me cry. I love that girl! :)


Leanne said...

I always knew that girl was a genius.


Keep up the great work!!

Michelle said...

Totally cool! Such wisdom at a young age. I love when we get to see the fruits of our labor. Great job Ian and Laura.

EEEEMommy said...

Michelle is right, such wisdom! They get a lot more than we give them credit for, or is obvious to us on the average day! Keep sowing; you're going to reap an abundant harvest someday! "I planted, Apollos watered, but God was causing the growth."

Kimmie said...

What a sweet daughter you have Laura, with such a grateful spirit. God loves that and will surely bless her as she continues to walk out her faith!

love you

LivingOurWay said...

It's moments like those when you breathe a sigh of relief and know that you are raising them right! I'm amazed at the insights my children have about the Lord.