Tuesday, September 7, 2010

I'm a failure too

I was going to write up a post about how lousy I've been at keeping it 'all together' lately, the housework, schooling, attitudes....etc. But then I came across this post and she just said it all for me. Now I'm just feeling thankful. Thank you Lord that each day is new and your mercy is great!


Leanne said...

You know what???

You are SO not alone in feeling like a failure sometimes!

It's the enemy's strategy to keep us moms feeling isolated and alone and like we're the only ones who mess up and fail and slip sometimes! But by posting about this, you get other moms praying for you, thereby defeating the enemy with the power of "wherever two or three are gathered in My Name..."

We can pray for each other in this!

And I'm so thankful too for the mercy, forgiveness, and grace of Jesus Christ!


Renata said...

You are definitely not a failure. I think mothering is downright hard work at times & the amount of juggling we have to do is unbelievable (especially when you add in home schooling).
You're doing a great job - I agree with Leanne's comment.
Oh & don't worry I feel like this often as well!!
Hope you have a lovely, relaxed rest of the week!

EEEEMommy said...

Me too! And yet, God calls us saints. Whatever would we do without His mercy and grace? Love you, friend! In Christ, you are doing an awesome job raising those beautiful kiddos!