Saturday, August 16, 2008

I missed taking pictures

My camera has been without batteries for a couple of weeks because someone (I don't know who) kept forgetting to buy more. Finally, today I was able to snap a few photos...and this one's my favorite.


Anonymous said...

I love that picture!!! That is so cute. Someone in our house keeps forgetting to buy video camera tapes and still hasn't remembered to charge the camera....sigh;)

Renata said...

What a cute pic! I hate it when my camera battery goes flat (although it really only takes a few hours to charge up again!) I always find all these photos I "could take" while it's out of action.

Gayle @ thewestiecrew said...

Ok, I totally understand why that's your favorite!!

I could just kiss those cheeks all day long!

Gayle @ thewestiecrew said...

Ok, I totally understand why that's your favorite!!

I could just kiss those cheeks all day long!